FiveM Ban List

Secure Your FiveM Server with Global Ban System

“Protect your community with real-time bans, VPN detection, and automated logging.”

Cheaters are blocked across all connected servers instantly.

Works with ESX, QBCore, QBox, vRP, and custom frameworks.

HWID, IP, MAC & VPN detection with live logging.

🔹 Installation Guide (Step-by-Step Instructions)

📥 1. Download & Extract the Script
Click the download button and extract the script into your FiveM server folder.

⚙️ 2. Configure Your Settings
Open the config.lua and adjust your server settings (The server name and key must match exactly what you entered when obtaining the key).
Set up your Discord webhook for ban notifications.
Configure the VPN & Proxy detection in config.json.

📌 3. Add the Script to Your Server.cfg
Add the following line to your server.cfg:

ensure globalbansystem
add_ace identifier.fivem:xxxxxx "globalban.admin" allow

4. Restart Your Server & Verify Installation


Global Ban System - Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

🔴 How do I manually add a player to the ban list?

✅ Use /ban [playerID] [reason] in the console or in-game.

🔴 Can I disable VPN detection?

✅ Yes, you can adjust this option in config.json.

🔴 Does this script support all FiveM frameworks?

✅ Yes, we support ESX, QBCore, vRP, and standalone servers.

🔴Can I use this system on multiple servers?

✅ Yes! You can link your server to our Global Ban Database for added security.

Download the Script

Ongetiteld (2)

📌 Changelog:

🔹 Added VPN & Proxy detection
🔹 Improved Live Ban Syncing
🔹 Bug fixes and optimizations